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Hey there!

First of all I wanna say that I really enjoy the concept and had a lot of fun with the game so far.

The reason I'm making this comment is that I might have encountered a bug with one of the achievements.

The "Smart Blobs" achievement is displaying a negative amount of "active" blobs for me while still counting the actual active blobs, meaning the number shifts between roughly -11/15 to -2/15, which makes acquiring this achievement close to impossible for me as far as I'm aware.

My best guess as to how this happened, is deleting a "blob-producer" while that producers blobs are currently active, because I did that a few times, but no promises that that is the actual cause.

The problem with this is, that the count does not reset when a new plant is started and over the course of multiple plants it has just kept going lower and lower.

If the actual root cause of this issue isn't easy to find or fix, then maybe just having the "counter" for this achievement reset upon starting a new plant would be a temporary fix.

Thanks for your hard work, keep doing what you're doing!

thanks for the bug report! I'll take care of that next update 

Hmm came back to game with Core undeployed and cant do anything because its looking for a snap point

Uh oh that's not good, maybe you got a corrupted save file? Try hitting reset data on the main screen and plz let me know if that fixes it

yea fixed it but also reset all my progress i had just reached t2 and stopped for the night waited for it to save but didn't do anything on new launch when i came back today i had everything unlocked but core was 0/1 and couldn't put it out


Very sorry about this! I'll look into the issue and see if I can figure out what could have happened.

I'll be interested to see exactly what crawlers are and how they work in the future as they don't seem to be implemented yet.

Thanks for the comment!  I'll also be excited to see exactly how they work, I have some ideas but nothing yet set in stone!

Crawlers are in the updated version! Reach tier 2 to unlock!

(1 edit)

I am currently playing! Though I am waiting for my seedling so there isn't much to do. Which is something that could be improved? I am kinda just sitting here. Or maybe I'm playing the game wrong! haha.

As for your questions for feedback: 

I think the premise of make better plants over time and the explanations are okay. I don't understand the fruit mechanic yet nor why things like explosions are needed but maybe I'm not far enough along? I'm not sure.

I do like the concept yes. It's an odd (In a good way : ] ) thing that caught my attention and I'm interested where you could take it!

As for gameplay, I think the drag and drop is fine. Though I did just try on clicking for about half a minute before I figured that out. Again my thing is that there isn't much to do at first except wait for your seedling to grow up.

Two last things that I got.  The interface of the side might be able to be improved? Like grouping the generators into one bug group with individual information being a drop down? As it is I get a bit lost and I couldn't imagine all the things that would be there for a huge plant.  And lastly is the upgrade mechanic. It doesn't have any response to upgrading and I was confused if it even went through.

This seems like a lot but I'm just trying to give an honest reply and answer your questions. I do think your game is cool so far though! Hope this comment helps.

Edit: I just noticed it's an idle game... Oops. I guess I was playing it wrong.

Thanks so much for your feedback!  I understand that the initial interaction needs some clarification and future features shouldn't be mentioned in the descriptions.  The interface on the side is still very basic, you have a good idea for grouping things!  I was also thinking of having an "overview" tab that mentions your total gen / sink for the whole plant.  There's a lot that can be done there for sure!

I also understand that upgrading needs to be clarified more... the idea is that the upgrades only apply to your next plant (when you hit the "launch seedling" button) - which is not very visible!  I definitely need to clarify when that button appears and gets to 100%.

This is great feedback, good to know where the major pain points are!  I'll make these improvements and more in my next update!

i understand that you use stems to allow more things to be added, and that generators make power, but thats about it.